Motor Vehicles Licence & Other Related Fees Fees
Motor Vehicle Registration 190.00
Motor Vehicle Change of Ownership 190.00
Duplicate Motor Vehicle Licence 125.00
Motor Vehicle Inspection 115.00
Copy of Registration 125.00
Motor Vehicle Dealer's Licence 4,000.00
Motor Vehicle Licence Rate p.a Half Year
Private Motor Cars:    
Not Exceeding 2,000 lbs tare 500.00 275.00
Exceeding 2,000 lbs tare but not exceeding 3,000 lbs tare 650.00 357.50
Exceeding 3,000 lbs tare 815.00 448.25
Private Motor Tricycles:    
Not exceeding 2,000 lbs tare 250.00 137.50
Exceeding 2,000 lbs tare 315.00 173.25
Private Motor Cycles:    
Without sidecar 315.00 173.25
With sidecar 410.00 225.50
Goods Vehicle:    
Of less than 2 tons tare 1,095.00 602.25
Of 2 tons tare but less than 3 tons tare 1,375.00 756.25
Of 3 tons tare but less than 5 tons tare 1,565.00 860.75
Of 5 tons tare but less than 8 tons tare 1,725.00 948.75
Of 8 tons tare but less than 12 tons tare 2,500.00 1,375.00
Of 12 tons tare but less than 15 tons tare 4,500.00 2,475.00
Of 15 tons tare or over 6,000.00 3,300.00
Not exceeding 1 ton tare 315.00 173.25
Of 1 tons tare but less than 3 tons tare 410.00 225.50
Of 3 tons tare or over 470.00 258.50
Of less than 2600lbs tare 315.00 173.25
Of 2600lbs tare or over 375.00 206.25
Motor Vehicles constructed and licensed to be used solely as hearses 1,000.00 550.00
Hiring Cars, Rented Cars Taxis and Motor Omnibuses:    
Motor Vehicles licensed to carry not more than 4 passengers excluding the driver 500.00 275.00
Motor Vehicles licensed to carry not more than 6 passengers excluding the driver 565.00 310.75
Motor buses of less than 2 tons tare licensed to carry passengers only 625.00 343.75
Motor buses of 2 tons tare but less than 3 tons tare licensed to carry passengers only 690.00 379.50
Motor buses of 3 tons tare or over licensed to carry passengers only 720.00 396.00
Rental motor cycles 290.00 159.50

New licence rates effective 1st May 2024

View old rates